New Customer impressed by depth of product knowledge.
I recently visited our newest customer to discuss their ongoing improvement works to the steam distribution system and see what progress had been made. In a previous visit, we had considered the various options open to this site to improve process steam distribution and improve energy efficiency on site. Their view, on the whole, was the confidence they could have in our Company due to the depth of our product knowledge. To discuss any requirements you may have please go to contact us
The site has already bought a new Steam Boiler and improved the system by installing new pipework from the existing Boiler House. The old system worked on a lower pressure which resulted in poor quality steam arriving at the processes, followed by poor heat transfer and poor energy efficiency associated with wet steam. The new line allows for a higher pressure resulting in an increase in steam flow, visit our downloads and calculator page for further information on steam flow through pipework. Further improvement will be achieved by installing a steam distribution header; this will split into zones the various process areas, so each can be isolated when they are not in use. We have now been asked to continue our involvement at this site to further advise them in the future and specifically ensure that the right valves are installed as this project unfolds. This next phase will involve the possible installation of TLV Cyclone Separators to improve heat transfer efficiency across the site; you will find this and many other process steam products at the Process Steam Equipment & Ancillaries page on this site.
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