Free Float Steam Traps ValvesTubesFittings
Free float steam traps are the steam traps nearly every process is missing except for those businesses that have seen the light and installed them already. I hear you already saying why would you install TLV free float steam traps on your process or heat exchanger and the simple answer as it is with all TLV steam products; efficient reliability is assured.
We aren’t telling you that the range of TLV free float steam traps comes with bells and whistles that will light the way to a brighter future, but we believe that this product will improve process efficiency and offer an extended service life compared to other similar steam traps and even those that are nothing like them.
For example, using bucket traps on roller dryers associated with textile and corrugator businesses, from our own experience we have seen improved start-up and more efficient heat transfer. In addition when you have faster-running rollers the issue of steam locking is a problem that a bucket trap has no solution to offer, whereas TLV free float steam traps can be fitted with lock release valves which will improve heat transfer and prevent the problem from reoccurring.
We have also found that monitoring lock release valves can also improve process outcomes and here at Besseges, according to our colleagues at TLV, one of the United Kingdom’s leading experts in this technology, please talk to us to discuss your site issue as we have aided many businesses in process steam issues from steam traps to double block and bleed requirements.
TLV free float steam traps replace many old steam trap technologies and some so-called new ones, this product can be used as we’ve already indicated on most heat exchangers offering advantages unseen against even other float traps.
Consider the majority of float-type steam traps; they are a float attached to an arm connected to a valve by a pivoting pin. The float on most of this trap type has a protruding seam which is eroded by condense and steam over a relatively short period, as soon as a hole appears in the seam, steam can then enter the float, condense, resulting in loss of buoyancy rendering the steam trap almost useless. Other inherent weaknesses are the pivoting pin and the ball bearing type valve which allows condense to be discharged. The pivoting pin will wear the seating area which can result in the mechanism slipping down allowing steam to leak freely from the trap and the ball bearing type valve will erode resulting in the same leaking steam.
Why continue to use outdated float trap technology when TLV through can offer a wide range of free float steam traps to suit process and even line drain requirements? We could write about the advantages of this type of steam trap technology a great deal more, for instance, the easy maintenance of free float steam traps due to the design of the Teflon seals which allow the steam traps to be serviced without the need to purchase replacement seals on every occasion, the average life of a built-in Teflon seal allows each trap to be cleaned and serviced seven times.
Compare that to other manufacturers whose trap technology still relies on fibre-type seals which in most cases require replacing every time you remove the steam trap dome and these spares have to be purchased at we believe great expense for what they are. For more information on free float steam traps please contact our sales team to discuss your requirements, our understanding of TLV products and process steam knowledge ensures we can offer the right solutions to your process requirements, now and in the future. We look forward to hearing from you, for all your process steam requirements.
Disclaimer: Information correct at the time of publishing (October 2015) but is subject to change. E&OE.
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