Carbon Steel Flanges ANSI B16.5
This product range can be found under two guises, carbon steel flanges ANSI B16.5 or carbon steel flanges ASME B16.5 whichever you ask for in the UK would be the same. As I have said before in other blogs ANSI is the American National Standards Institute and ASME is the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ASME was formed in 1880, their first meeting being February 16th that year, standards though did not come to prominence until after the Grover Shoe Factory disaster in 1905 where 58 workers were killed and 117 injured following a steam boiler explosion. ASME having established the boiler testing code in 1884 formed a boiler committee in 1911 which led to the boiler and pressure vessel code being published in 1915.
The American National Standards Institute was originally the American Engineering Standards Committee (AESC) and was the result of the bringing together of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers and the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). These original members of what was at first the American Engineering Standards Committee invited the U.S Department of War, Navy and Commerce to join them as founder members in 1916 and this is when the ambitious program of material and product standardisation began in the United States, recognised across the world producing the product standard we are blogging about today.
Carbon Steel Flanges ANSI B16.5 Pressures & Dimensions
The original ASME standards have been around since 1922 covering pipe flanges and fittings and the current standard for carbon steel flanges ANSI B16.5 or ASME if you prefer is ASME B16.5:2013 and is now at a century of product standards originally provided for the United States and now recognised across the world. We can provide from stock ANSI/ASME 150 and 300 flanges in slip-on weld, NPT Threaded, BSP Threaded and weld neck, we can also provide others like ring type joint (RTJ). Like all welding and threaded flanges and fittings pressures and temperatures are restricted by the grade of pipe used for installation, for dimensions please click the highlighted link to view or download our latest flange tables.
When installing sizes 65mm and 150mm please remember there is a difference in the pipe OD between British and American standards. ASME/ANSI dimensions for 65mm tube is 73mm OD and for 150mm it is 168.3mm OD, British standard tube is 76.1mm OD and 165.1mm OD. To download the latest dimension, pressure and temperature information please follow the Quality pipe for ASME/ANSI and tube to BS EN 10255 for British Standards. It is worth mentioning that the British Standard seamless tube can be found under BS EN 10216-1:2013 (previously BS3601:1987) for information on this product range please contact our technical sales team.
Carbon Steel Flanges ANSI B16.5 Alternatives
For the UK and European markets, there are flange standards available other than carbon steel flanges ANSI B16.5, they are imperial flanges BS 10:2009 and BS EN 1092-1 known as DIN or metric flanges. BS 10:2009 flanges are available from stock in various types which include slip-on plate, slip-on bossed, blank and weld neck, EN1092-1:2013-04 is also available in the same versions and we cover sizes from 15mm (1/2”) to 600mm (24”). They cover pressure ratings from 3.4 bar (50psi) to 64 bar (932psi) although higher pressures are available on longer lead times; please contact us to discuss your requirements and relevant certification.
All carbon steel flanges ANSI B16.5 are available with 3.1b certification but not all the alternatives offer the same. Here at Besseges (Valves, Tubes & Fittings) Ltd, we are awaiting your next enquiry or order please talk to our exceptional technical sales team, the ability of our staff is rarely if ever matched by our competitors, we are one of the best independent pipeline suppliers in the United Kingdom today and one of the best sources for all your carbon steel flanges ANSI B16.5 and we look forward to hearing from your business.
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